Friday, July 27, 2012

The Mother of Google Events

Why Google Events is a game changer and what it can do for the growth of your business.

Chris showed us in another webinar how to create copy for events that stresses benefit copy to get your followers to go to the event in this example event for a Fry's / Kroger grocery weekly sale flyer.

Here our just a few tips on why you should be paying attention to Google+ and also Google's features such as Google Events.

What can Google Events do for you?

Well in this short webinar we find out some interesting tips ..

What Chris Lang and Shira Gal share is not only valuable but beneficial. They share some good tips on How to use Google Events and Why you should be using it.

Here are just a few that were mentioned:

Using Events for more exposure.

Using Events with your Google Calendar.

How to use Events to further your marketing.

To see the full events webinar with Shira Gal & Chris Lang click here...

I highly recommend checking out this page and video.

To your success..



  1. Shot and sweet and to the point. I found it interesting how a grocery store would be smart to be using the google apps for sure..Probably will not be seeing many do this for a few years yet though.

  2. I am learning so much from these educational events! The ways Google events can be used are amazing but most would not even conceive the uses for Events if people like Chris and Shira didn't offer to give this information out. Too bad for those who don't take advantage of it, right Margie?
